Scientists in the 1950s, at U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA) conducted an extensive examination of their culture
collection for water-soluble gum producers of possible
commercial importance. Polysaccharide B-1459 (xanthan)
produced by Xanthomonas campestris NRRL B-1459 appeared to
fulfill the most required properties. In 1960, the first industrial
production of xanthan gum was carried out and became available
commercially [1]. Xanthan was permitted as a food additive by
the U.S. FDA, 1969, and by FAO/WHO in 1974 [2]. Xanthan has a
high molecular weight and produced by Xanthomonas campestris.
Many species of Xanthomonas can produce xanthan gum such as,
X. phaseoli, X. malvacearum, and X. carotae [3]. In this review the
focus will be on several items of xanthan production, comprised
the producing organism Xanthomonas campestris, substrates
used, with special emphasis on untraditional substrates like
whey and whey permeate since the high cost of Xanthan gum
production from the conventional substrates like glucose and
sucrose represents a limiting production factor. This led to
searching for cheap substrates as whey, milk permeate and food industry wastes [4]. In recent years some new techniques have
been developed to use the novel cheaper substrates like milk or
whey permeate for Xanthan production including preculturing
with lactose fermenting organism as lactic acid bacteria or
Kluveromyces lactis for adapting the substrate for xanthan
production [5]. The use of xanthan as prebiotic after hydrolysis
is a novel approach for xanthan application [6]. Uses xanthan as
a fat replacer for cheese manufacture was studied [7]. A novel
approach for using xanthan gum in tissue engineering was
developed [8]. This review was devoted to flow up and updates
the information’s concerning with xanthan gum production and
its applications especially the substrates which recently involved
in the process of xanthan production, factors affecting xanthan
production and growth conditions. The major applications of
xanthan gum in various industries will be also included.
Xanthan gum structure
The primary structure of xanthan was obtained by using an
improved degrative technique and refined methylation analysis
[9]. Xanthan gum is characterized by its high molecular weight
(15-50×106 Da). However, the molecular weight of the native
molecule may be closer to 3-7.5×106 Da [10]. It was shown to
consist of repeating pentasaccharide units consisting of two
D-glucopyranosyluronic acid unit as shown in Figure 1.
Properties of xanthan gum
Xanthan gum is characterized by high solubility in water,
and this property is due to its molecule polyelectrolyte nature.
Xanthan gave a high viscous solution even at low concentrations.
These characteristics are beneficial in many industrial
applications, particularly in the food industry where xanthan
is used as a gelling agent, thickener, and to stabilize suspended
preparations and emulsions. Xanthan produced solutions of
pseudoplastic, or shear thinning, and with increasing shear rate the viscosity decreases. Xanthan viscosity is highly affected by
temperature (both dissolution and measurement temperatures),
the polymer concentration, pH [11] and concentration of salts,
Rheological properties of Xanthan solution varies with polymer
nature, as they depend on average molecular weight. The
viscosity of Xanthan solutions increases with increasing the level
of acetylation [12] and pyruvate content [10].
Xanthan gum Production
The growth of Xanthomonas campestris and xanthan gum
production is affected by several factors including the type of
fermentor used, the system employed (batch or continuous), the
composition of the production medium and the culture conditions
as temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen concentration [13].
By the termination of the fermentation process, the production
medium contains the produced xanthan, bacterial biomass, and
many other chemicals. The cell biomass is usually removed
first, either by centrifugation or filtration. For more purification
precipitation may be involved using water-miscible solvents
(ethanol isopropanol and acetone), with the addition of certain
salts and pH adjustments [14]. After precipitation, the product is
mechanically dewatered and dried.
Optimal conditions for large scale production of xanthan gum
For large scale production of xanthan, in a conventional
batch system, inoculums of X. campetris are cultivated using the
fermentation medium employing mechanically agitated vessels.
The culture grown under aerobic conditions is held at a fixed
temperature about 28-30˚C, pH 7, the airflow level must be more
than 0.3 (v/v) and agitation higher than 1 km-3. The fermentation
run takes about 100 h and through which about 50% of the
fermented glucose converts into xanthan gum. Inoculum
preparation process involved several stages which require a set of the fermenters ranging from 10 liters capacity for the initial seed
up to 100 liters in production stage by which the inoculum size
is increased to 10- fold [15]. Through the fermentation process,
the microorganism would grow exponentially led to rapid
consumption of the nitrogen source. Multi-steps downstream
operations would follow after the fermentation stage.
Xanthan gum recovery
A large amount of alcohol usually uses in this process to
precipitate the xanthan gum, which is then sprayed dry or
maybe re-suspended on the water to be re-precipitated. For cells
separated from the fermentation viscous medium, it is diluted to
facilitate the separation process by centrifugation. This operation
is a cost-intensive process [16]. It is favorable to add alcohol and
salt which would improve precipitation by creating reverse effect
charges. The produced xanthan gum in the wet solid state would
treat for dewatering and washed to obtain the final required purity.
Factors affecting xanthan gum production
Effect of carbon sources: Traditionally sucrose and glucose
are the most carbon sources used for xanthan production. Many
studies on nutrients requirement of different cultures were
achieved. Xanthan gum side chain is influenced by the conditions
of production which should be optimized for xanthan gum
synthesis [17]. The carbon source concentration has a profound
effect on xanthan yield. The optimum concentration is about
2-4% [18]. The higher concentrations of the carbon source leds to
inhibition of growth. Sucrose is a preferred substrate for xanthan
gum production. Succinate and 2-oxoglutarate stimulate xanthan
gum production in the sucrose-based medium [19]. A high level of
the C/N ratio relatively favors the production of a good xanthan
yield. X. campestris has a low level of β-galactosidase enzyme
and subsequently, the microorganism cannot ferment lactose efficiently as a carbon source. Therefore it grows scantly and
produces low level of xanthan in media containing lactose as a
sole carbon source. It has been mentioned that sucrose produces
the highest yield (dry weight) 11.99 g l-1, followed by glucose
which yields 10.8 g l-1 [20,21].
Effect of nitrogen sources: Nitrogen, a vital nutrient, can be
supplied either as an organic component [22] or as an inorganic
compound [19-20]. The growth of the producing organism
requires C/N ratio usually more than that used in production
media [13, 19-20]. Ammonium salts are a proper nitrogen
source for biomass yield, while nitrate is more suitable for the
production of higher yields of xanthan gum [17]. Furthermore,
the produced yield of xanthan gum and its production level in
batch culture affected by the level of nitrogen source present at
the onset of the stationary phase [23].
Effect of temperature: The effect of temperature on xanthan
production has been widely investigated. Temperature degrees
used for xanthan gum production fluctuated from 25 to 34˚C;
however, culture at 28 to 30˚C is familiar. Many investigators
reported that 28˚C was the optimal temperature for the
production of xanthan gum [24,25]. A higher temperature may
increases xanthan yield but reduces its pyruvate content [26]. In
some reports an optimum production temperature was 33C [27];
in other report temperature of 25˚C was the optimum for growth
and 30˚C for production. The production medium plays an active
role in the optimal temperature for xanthan production [28-29].
Effect of pH: The pH has a profound effect on xanthan
production. The optimum pH for X. campestris growth range
from (6 to7.5) and the optimum pH for the xanthan production
range from 7 to 8. [30] Xanthomonas can be cultivated at a neutral
pH [31]. Most investigators recommended the neutral pH as the
optimum value for the growth of X. campestris [29,32]. The pH
decreases from pH 7 to values about 5 during xanthan production
due to the acidic groups of xanthan molecules [33].
Effect of mass transfer rate: Different types of fermenters
have been employed in xanthan gum production; however, the
sparged stirred tank was often preferred. In stirred fermenters,
the oxygen rate mass transfer is affected by the flow rate of the
air and speed of stirring. The air flow rate is generally maintained
at a constant value when stirred fermenters are used, usually
v/v min. while the speed of agitation can be changed in a wide
range. At reduced stirring speeds, the oxygen limitation leads to
lower rates of specific xanthan production. The rate of specific
xanthan production depends on the specific oxygen uptake rates
[34]. The higher agitation rates have a more positive effect on
xanthan production than the fermentation period. High xanthan
yield was obtained at agitation rate reached 1000 rpm at 50 h of
fermentation period [34]. Novel fermentation technique has been
successfully adapted in the laboratory using hydrogen peroxide
as an oxygen source to overcome gas-liquid mass transfer
resistance in the xanthan gum fermentation medium [35].
Agro-industrial wastes as a substrate for xanthan gum production: Waste is defined as any material, which has not
yet been fully utilized, i.e. the left matter from production or
consumption. However, waste is low-cost material and in many cases cannot be avoided as a result of human activity. It includes
materials from the plant; agricultural, industrial, and municipal
sources. Waste may be solid or liquid disposed of residences,
small scale industries, and business locations. In general, waste
can be identified based on its bulk or physical properties organic
components, and specific contaminants contents [36]. Agroindustrial
wastes contain three main compounds, cellulose,
hemicellulose and lignin, and other compounds (e.g. extractives)
in fewer amounts. Cellulose and hemicellulose are complex
carbohydrates of large molecules that can be hydrolyzed by
enzymes, acids, or other chemicals to simple sugars, which
can be fermented to produce several products as ethanol,
fuels, enzymes, and biomass products [37-38]. The cost of
xanthan production is one of the limiting factors in its largescale
fermentation processes, especially when compared with
similar polysaccharides from plants and algae. To overcome this
problem several approaches have been suggested to use cheaper
substrates such as whey [24], citrus wastes [39], corn steep
liquor [40], glycerol [41], chicken feathers [42], molasses and
glucose syrup [43] and olive oil wastewaters [44].
Molasses: Molasses produced as a by-product of sugar
industry. It can be produced from sugar cane and from sugar
beet. It is defined as the runoff syrup produced from the terminal
stage of the crystallization process when more crystallization of
sugar is uneconomical [43]. Although beet and cane molasses are
similar they exhibit marked variations in respect to fermentable
sugars, nitrogenous compounds, ash and vitamin content
[45]. Sugar beet molasses contains 74-77% (w/w) dry matter
involving sugar, organic and inorganic compounds. Total sugars
(mainly sucrose) represent about 47-48% (w/w) of molasses,
ash 9-14% (w/w) and total nitrogen-containing compounds
(mainly betaine and glutamic acid) 8-12% (w/w). Sugar beet
molasses was used in a large scale as a substrate in fermentation
process due to it contains a lot of nutrients required for growth
such as pantothenic acid, inositol, and trace elements and some
biotin [46].
Whey: Whey, produced from cheese processing can be
conceded as a by-product of the dairy industry. It contains
about 4-5% lactose, 0.8-1% proteins, small content of organic
acids (lactic acid), mineral salts and vitamins. Whey represents
a big waste disposal problem due to its high biological oxygen
demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Its disposal
represents a costly and complex problem. When we take this
point into account and the richness of whey with lactose as a
carbon source in addition to its content of some other nutrients
we can consider whey as a valuable substrate for production of
several important value-added products such as xanthan gum
[47]. Cheeses whey was employed for xanthan gum production by
two strains of Xanthomonas campestris. The maximum xanthan
yield (25g l-1) was obtained after three days fermentation period
using the lactose-whey content as a sole carbon source [24].,
0.1% (w/v) MgSo4.7H2o and 2.0% (w/v) of K2HPO4, produced
about Genetically modified strains of Xanthomonas campestris by
produced more quantities of xanthan gum and had the ability to
grow on whey [48]. Also, the production of xanthan gum from
milk permeates and uses it in the manufacture of yogurt and soy
yogurt has been reported [4, 49].
Glucose syrup: Food syrup, made from the hydrolysis of
starch. Maize is traditionally used as the source of the starch in
the US, in which the syrup is called corn syrup. However, glucose
syrup can be manufactured from other starchy crops, as potatoes,
rice wheat, cassava and barley [50]. Glucose syrup containing
over 90% glucose is used in industrial fermentation [51]. Xanthan
gum was produced from glucose syrup as a sole carbon source
using Xanthomonas campastris. This bacterium can ferment 42
DE syrup or high DE syrup. DE means dextrose equivalent. The
selection of the appropriate substrate is a matter of balance
between the raw material cost and the yield of the product [52].
Applications of xanthan gum
Industrial applications
Xanthan gum has many applications in several industries. This
can be attributed to its superior characteristics, for instance, the
long term suspension stability of emulations in acid, alkaline, and
salt solutions; temperature stability and pseudo-plasticity. In the
chemical industry, Xanthan was extensively used. For instance,
xanthan and locust bean gum can be used for the manufacture
of deodorant gels. The capability of xanthan gum to form the
required dispersion stability at rest and reduced viscosity
upon application was used to attain a proper consistency to the
toothpaste [15].
Personal care applications
Xanthan gum improves the rheological properties of
shampoos and liquid soaps preparations and enhances stability,
richness and creamy lather [13]. It is the binder of choice for all
toothpastes, including gel and toothpaste, of pumping capability.
Ribbon quality and ease of extrusion are also improved [15].
Pharmaceutical applications
Xanthan gum stabilizes suspensions of a variety of insoluble
materials such as barium sulfate (X-ray diagnoses), complexed
dextromethorphan (for cough preparations) and thiabendazole.
It can keep liquids homogeneous and non-layered [15].
Food applications
The majority of xanthan applications directed to food
industries to suspend and thicken fruit juices and chocolate
preparations. United States food and drug administration (FDA)
have permitted xanthan gum according to toxicological studies
for use in food. Many of modern foods require the advantage of
improving texture, appearance, flavor enhancing, viscosity and
water-control characteristics [53]. Xanthan gum improves all
these characteristics and furthermore controls the rheological
behavior of the end product. It provides solutions with
pseudoplastic traits and modulates the ‘gummy’ mouthfeel than
other gums [15].
Preparations of xanthan, with other polysaccharides like
galactomannans carrageenan, and guar gum are superior
stabilizers for many industrial dairy products including
milkshakes, ice milk, ice cream, sherbet, and water ices. Xanthan with methyl-carboxy methyl cellulose employed for
the manufacture of frozen dairy products and with CMC for
direct preparation of acidified yogurts. Similar products are
used for dessert puddings, acidified milk gels, and others. These
dairy products characterized by its high stability, delicate and
fresh taste.,preferable viscosity, proper heat transfer during
preparation, good flavor release, heat-shock resistance and icecrystal
prevention [1,13]. Xanthan, guar and LBG mixture is very
important to sliceability body firmness and flavor enhancing of
creamy cheese. In Addison, xanthan improves the body texture
of cottage cheese dressings by controlling syneresis [21]. EPSproducing
culture to improve Karish cheese texture, as it received
higher body and texture scores after aging for 7 and 15 days [54].
Bakery products
Xanthan gum was employed in bakery products manufacture
to elevate the water holding capacity during backing process
and storage. This led to an increase in the shelf life of backed
products. Xanthan gum was used as an egg replacer in some
bakery products especially the egg-white without affecting the
organoleptic properties of the resultant products. It contributes
for improving smoothness, air incorporation, and retention in
bread mixes, biscuits, and cakes. The supplement with xanthan
gum can reduce calorie and gluten content in bread and extend
shelf stability, freezing and thawing stability in cream and fruit
fillings and control syneresis process.
During beverages processing, xanthan gum was added as
a bodying agent and suspending material in drinks contains
particles. This contributes to obtaining a good product
appearance and texture in addition to improving mouth-feel
to attain pleasing taste, rapid solubility, and compatibility with
most components. Xanthan gum in reconstituted beverage plays
an active part in enhancing body and quality with rapid viscosity
This review focuses on different aspects of xanthan gum
production. It is a water-soluble unique polysaccharide produced
industrially from carbon sources including sucrose, glucose and
agro-industrial wastes by fermentation using the bacterium
Xanthomonas campestries. It has wide applications in food,
chemical, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, textile, and oil industries.
This due to its various physicochemical properties, including
stable viscosity at varying pH levels and temperatures, and
its associated pseudoplastic behavior at low concentrations.
Xanthan has been approved by the United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). The polysaccharide is used as suspending,
stabilizing, thickening and emulsifying agent, for food and nonfood
industrial applications for use as a food additive without any
specific quantity limitations.
This review discovered the recent novel approaches for
Xanthan gum production from unconventional substrates that
can be beneficial for economical production of this important product of wide applications in several industries. This study will
help the researchers to uncover the critical areas of xanthan gum
production which led to reduce the cost of production.