Brain injury has a high rate of incidence among children
and can cause severe, global effects on a child’s development
and quality of life. Better understanding of effective long-term
treatment for children with brain injury is an area of great need
for further research and advancement. Due to the availability of
therapy services in a school setting, the educational environment
is a natural fit for addressing the needs of children with brain
injuries [1]. In addition, a center-based approach facilitates
the collaboration and integration of therapeutic interventions maximizing impact with a multidisciplinary approach.
Multidisciplinary rehabilitation has been shown to effectively
improve functional outcomes in adults with Acquired Brain
Injury [2]. Late-onset rehabilitation has shown improved gains
in functional mobility for both adults and children [3,4]. No
study has examined the effects of increased multidisciplinary
therapeutic intensity in a school setting for children with brain
injury. With the evidence-based [5-9], support of high-intensity
intervention and interdisciplinary support for children with brain
injury, we hypothesize that intensive multidisciplinary postacute
rehabilitation within a school setting can improve mobility,
communication, visual processing, cognitive functioning, and
health-based outcomes.
Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), results in long standing
limitations of activity and overall participation, unpredictable
evolution of needs over time, and developmental transitions.
These difficulties are still evident into adulthood [6,10,11].
Therefore, it is necessary to provide long term follow up services
to reduce ongoing difficulties and prevent further complications
[12,13]. Integrated multidisciplinary and long-term care must
be initiated as early as possible post brain injury [14]. After
children with long-term brain injury participate in rehabilitation
and hospitalizations, they are often discharged to community
programs. The intensity of therapeutic interventions diminish in such settings due to lack of government funding and family time
or resources.
Multidisciplinary approach
National Medical Policy [15], considers up to 3 hours per week
of individualized, neuro-cognitive rehabilitation for diagnosed
cognitive impairment after TBI necessary when it is a component
of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program consisting of at least
2 different types of therapies (e.g. physical therapy, occupational
therapy, speech therapy).
Due to the evidence based support of high intensity
intervention for children with brain injury, the model for
multidisciplinary treatment in a private school setting was
evaluated and how increased post acute rehabilitation in
an academic setting can improve mobility, communication,
cognitive functioning, health based outcomes and cortical visual
impairment ranges. When appropriate visual accommodations
are consistently implemented in daily routines and activities, the
area of the brain that is processing vision is more consistently
utilized and developed. Since vision is potentially embedded in
all daily routines, it is important for all team members, therapists,
educators and parents to collaborate when designing and
implementing modifications and interventions [16].
Long-term studies of children and adolescents with TBI
indicate initial recovery curves to decline or plateau with age (as
compared to the with functioning of typically developing peers)
[17-19]. This is significant because typically developing children
continue to progress towards elevated cognitive, physical and
behavioral goals, however students with brain injury decline
without prolonged academic and therapeutic intervention.To
measure the outcomes and changes in motor and social function,
vision, communication and academics that occur in a highintensity
post acute multidisciplinary setting, the PEDI, CVI scale,
PLS and Brigance III, and teacher observation were utilized,
respectively. The rationale for using such assessments have been
substantiated by evidence based practice [2,7,20-23].
Implications for Brain Injury School
In 2000 The Center for Disease Control [24], magnified
the discrepancies of care for children with brain disorders.
Specifically the CDC revealed “Parents and advocates report that
appropriate services for children and youth with TBI are lacking.”
The CDC identified eight barriers to appropriate treatment of
brain based disorders, one of which was as follows:
“Lack of appropriate educational services: the Individualized
Educational Plan (IEP) does not meet the child/youth’s need,
or schools may tend to identify conditions they know how to
manage. Research is needed to determine whether classifying
children as having a TBI affects how they are managed in school.”
Due to the lack of evidence and support for intensive
resources for children with brain based disorder a private special
education school was founded with the premise to establish a
standard of post-acute intensive rehab model for aging children
with brain injury. There is a range of functional outcomes as a
result of early brain insult, with unknown prognostic markers due to neuroplasticity. Anderson et al., identifies these outcomes
as representative of a “recovery continuum” depending on injury
factors (severity, nature, age) and environmental influences
(family, sociodemographic factors, interventions) [25]. The
Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA) of 1997
required the school setting to address the needs of children
with disabilities including related service intervention: PT, OT,
Speech, Counseling, Vision and/or Hearing services. Therefore
intensive therapeutic intervention for children with brain injury
can foster changes throughout the recovery continuum as a
result of government subsidized related service implementation
through the education system.
The program model: Post Acute Brain Injury Private Special Education School
Academic department: The school’s educational program
focuses on the development of academic, cognitive and social
skills aligned with each student’s Individualized Education Plan
(IEP) and is tailored to the very specific needs and capabilities
of each student.All skills and strategies are taught through Direct
Instruction, which research has shown to be one of the most
promising approaches for teaching academic skills to students
with TBI [26].The design and presentation features of the Direct
Instruction approach specifically address many of the learning
characteristics typical of students with TBI, including but not
limited to problems with concentration, memory, organization
and planning, thinking and reasoning, and generalization. Some
of the features of the approach include breaking instructional
tasks down into components, maintaining student engagement
through high response and success rates, sufficient practice
and review, sequencing skills, and incorporating generalizable
strategies [27].
Teachers at the school strategically incorporate Direct
Instruction methods into daily instruction while working oneon-
one with students in 30-minute sessions throughout the
school day.Methods and materials used to instruct students are
individualized based on student need and the setting is controlled
for visual and/or sound distractors to increase student focus
and engagement. Teachers also create schedules to incorporate
skills and input from each student’s individual therapeutic
goals and interventions, including implementation of sensory
diets, integration of AAC devices and use of adaptive equipment
into classroom activities.Progress on IEP goals is tracked on
a consistent basis through teacher-created data collection
measures to ensure student learning and is reported quarterly.
Conductive education: Conductive Education (CE) was
founded in the 1940s by the Hungarian physician professor,
Andras Peto. CE uses a psycho-educational approach that
focuses primarily onintegrating the brain’s ability to change
and learn (neuroplasticity), the child’s personality and lifestyle,
and physiological and medical characteristics. CE approaches
physical disabilities from an educational rather than a medical or
paramedical perspective. The approach focuses on improving the
physical effects of the disability, while encouraging motivation
and active physical participation, to help students become
independent and improve their self-esteem. The desired outcome is to internalize the intended movement and achieve maximum
independence, called orthofunction.
The Key Elements of CE include a CE Teacher (Conductor), CE
Program, task series, daily routine, rhythmical intention, group
setting, facilitation, as well as CE furniture and equipment. This
intensive, multi-disciplinary holistic approach to education is
designed for individuals with cerebral palsy, brain injury, spina
bifida, and other motor challenges. The goal of CE is to improve
quality of life, as well as the psychological well-being of the child
and family.
The school provides the only CE program in New York State.
Currently two staffed Conductor-Teachers work at the school
in both group and individual sessions. During the 2013-14 and
2014-15 school years, students received CE at a frequency of 2 to
5 hours per week.
Vision education: The vision education program at the school
focuses on each student’s individual needs. Research shows that
even though visual processing centers of the brain are damaged,
new areas of the brain that are normally not responsible for
visual processing can take over. The vision education team trains
the entire staff how to work with students with Cortical Vision
Impairment. They also collaborate with ophthalmologists and
parents on a regular and consistent basis.
Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) is defined as visual
impairment due to brain damage [23]. With appropriate
interventions and modifications, students with CVI will improve
their visual processing abilities [23]. The vision education
department usesthe CVI scale and observations in multiple
settings to assess students’ gains in functional vision.
With 21 students receiving vision services, no two students
receive the same instruction or intervention plan. Students’
individualized programs are based on their interests, functional
tasks that they engage in on a daily basis, and personal visual
preferences (color, visual field, processing time, maximum
distance, etc.). Students receive direct instruction that combines
push-in and pull-out services. During pull-out sessions, students
work on specific visual skills. Some students with more significant
manifestations of CVI work on building visual attention.They
work on consistently looking at objects of a specific size, color,
or visual appearance. These students often bring in their favorite
items from home,because familiar items are generally more
visually engaging for these students. Newcomb [7], supports the
reliability of the CVI Range, the strategies and interventions based
on the range, and an interdisciplinary collaborative approach
that is used at a private special education school when visual
accommodations, modifications, and techniques are integrated
throughout the student’s day.
Students in Phase II of CVI work on incorporating vision into
functional tasks and daily routines. Some students at this level
are working on looking at their spoons as they engage in feeding.
They also work on looking at shiny targets as they turn the corner
while walking in their gait trainers. Some students practice daily
routines of looking and reaching for their iPod to put it into
their backpack prior to dismissal. The collaborative sessions for students in Phase II focus on integrating visual strategies into
academic sessions. The Vision Education Teachers model how,
where, and what to present to students in order maximize their
academic success and level of visual engagement in their other therapies.
Students in Phase III of CVI work on using vision as a means
for learning. These students work on identifying photographs of
familiar people throughout their daily routines and identifying
photographs of simple landmarks in their daily routines in
order to more effectively navigate the hallways. These students
also have self-contained vision sessions in which they work on
explicitly learning what makes one object or image different from
another. In all cases, students benefit from push-in and pull-out
services that are collaborative and highly individualized.
Christine Roman-Lantzy’s reference entitled Cortical Visual
Impairment [23], Second Editionwas published in 2018. The
information in the second edition provides refined and updated
explanations on the scoring process of CVI range. The scores and
information in this paper are based on the information available
in 2015.
Occupational Therapy: The occupational therapy
department at the school places occupation at the core of all
interventions, program design, evaluation, and interactions with
students. Based on existing literature, neuroplasticity occurs at
the greatest rate and frequency while individuals are engaged
in meaningful occupations [28]. As a result of their diagnosis
of traumatic and acquired brain injuries, students have vision,
hearing, speech, and motoric limitations. These client factors can
prevent students from engaging fully in desired occupations [29].
The occupational therapy department works to remediate these
client factors through evidence-based hands-on treatment, as
well as thorough use of adaptive methods and equipment.
Individualized care begins by addressing student occupational
needs during interviews with potential students and parents to
determine student preferences and preferred occupations to
create a well-rounded strengths-based occupational profile. The
occupational therapy department currently uses strength-based
standardized measures and the sensory profile to build upon
student strengths while also addressing deficits.
Following evaluation, services are provided to allow students
to participate in classroom activities and community-based
instruction using a model that supports both push-in and pullout
services. Occupational therapy services are provided on an
intensive basis (generally 3 to 5 times per week for 60 minutes)
based on therapist evaluation of student needs and existing
research supporting the effectiveness of massed practice to
promote neuroplasticity [28]. The occupational therapy gym
includes equipment such as mats, therapy balls, mirrors, therapy
benches, sensory integration equipment, adjustable lighting, and
fine motor games and toys. During a given intervention session,
a therapist may complete a variety of preparatory methods
(sensory based, range of motion, gross motor play, etc.) to
allow students to more fully engage in personally meaningful
occupations throughout the session.
Occupation is incorporated throughout intervention sessions
by allowing students opportunities for choice making; use of
creative occupations such as art, cooking, and preferred music;
and adapting preferred toys and games to meet therapeutic goals.
During occupational therapy sessions, students are engaged
in activities that not only address IEP goals, but also support
functioning outside of the school environment by working on
both activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily
living. Occupational therapy works closely with speech therapy
to determine best communication access, because these students
are non-verbal. This approach in turn allows therapists to have
students engage in self-determination of goals and therapeutic
sessions as much as possible.
Physical Therapy: The physical therapy (PT) program
uses a functional goal-oriented therapy regimen based on the
student’s current level of progress. The program usesprinciples
of Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT), which encourages
critical therapeutic thinking and hands-on facilitation of desired
musculature during the child-initiated movement to educate the
child on how to create movement patterns in order to achieve
a motivational and functional task. NDT has been shown to be
successful in the treatment of children with neuromuscular
impairment [30]. The PT department follows the American
Physical Therapy Association’s Published Guidelines for Physical
Therapy Practice [31], when selecting intervention. As it states:
“Decisions about the interventions selected are based on
the physical therapist’s assessment of the individual’s current
condition and are contingent on the timely monitoring of the
individual’s response and the progress made toward achieving
the goals. In prescribing interventions for an individual, the
physical therapist includes parameters for each intervention
(e.g., method, mode, or device; intensity, load, or tempo;
duration and frequency; progression). Physical therapist
intervention is focused on optimizing functional independence,
emphasizes patient or client instruction, and promotes proactive,
wellness-oriented lifestyles. Through appropriate education
and instruction, the individual is encouraged to develop habits
that will maintain or improve function; prevent recurrence of
problems; and promote health, wellness, and fitness.” (Guideline
to Physical Therapy Practice 3rd Edition).
Physical therapeutic frequency for students was designated
based on the significant amount of gross motor delay observed and
evidenced by formal evaluation. Each of the students included in
this study at the school received either 4 or 5 sessions a week for
60 minutes. Each student was assessed for quantitative measures
to assess functional capabilities and clinical measurement. The
physical therapy department utilized push-in/pull-out services
and worked to make gains in these areas during the school year.
Intervention occurs in and out of the classroom, PT gym,
school hallways, and neighboring community playgrounds and
sidewalks. The gym has mirrors, mats, therapeutic balls, and play
equipment for the children. Intervention is individualized and
guided by the goals set by the IEP and the child’s current physical
therapist based on evaluation. All of the physical therapeutic intervention during the school year of 2013-2014 was conducted
by one physical therapist.
Adjunct programs are additional therapeutic interventions
to help with stretching, strengthening, and weight-bearing for
improved endurance and function. Adjunct programs include
(but are not limited to) aquatic therapy (which was not initiated
during 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school years), standing,
walking, prone lying, sidelying, and biking. Physical therapy
interventions are classified as follows per the Guidelines to
Physical Therapy Practice: Patient or Client Instruction; Airway
Clearance Techniques; Assistive Technology: Prescription,
Application, and, as appropriate, Fabrication or Modification;
Biophysical Agents; Functional Training in Self-Care and in
Domestic, Education, Work, Community, Social, and Civic Life;
Integumentary Repair and Protection Techniques; Manual
Therapy Techniques; Motor Function Training; and Therapeutic
Exercise. (Guidelines to PT Practice 3rd Edition).
This high level of accountability provides each child with a
baseline in order to reach objective goals. Two key outcome
measures were identified: The Gross Motor Function Measure
(GMFM) and the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory
(PEDI). GMFM is a clinical tool designed to evaluate change in
gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy and has
been used to assess children post-acquired brain injury [32]. The
GMFM scores were not included in this study at this time. Both
the GMFM and PEDI have been proven reliable and appropriate
for school-aged children [2,33].
The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory is a
clinical assessment tool that has been shown to be a reliable
and valid assessment of impairment of functional mobility in
children [2]. The physical therapy department administered
and collected the PEDI assessments during the 2013-2014
school year. The PEDI has been used to evaluate children with
brain injury including cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, brain
tumors, and rare congenital disorders pre- and post-admission
to inpatient rehabilitation. It is a scale that has been consistent
in “detecting subtle differences in young children with slowly
emerging functional skills” [33,34]. The PEDI has shown to be an
appropriate evaluation scale for children with brain injury with
severe impairment with or without test adaptation [35].
Clinical Objective Measures include (but are not limited
to) range of motion, strength, spasticity, sensation, quality of
movement, and skin integrity. Formal testing may be conducted
as well to provide standardized values and a benchmark for
comparison with future assessments.
Speech and Language Therapy: The speech and language
services at the school are intensive and dynamic. In most
programs, the child’s disability is often the primary focus of
caregivers and educators.Children’s interests and abilities may be
masked by their disability, particularly in cases of sensorimotor
difficulties, which interfere with the ability to articulate speech,
manipulate objects, and make interests and intents known to
others. As a consequence, choices available to individuals with
TBI are limited, and the person beneath the brain injury is not really known. This is not the case for the children served at the
school because the speech department establishes relationships
with children based on the world around them. Speech Language
Pathologists (SLPs) aim to reduce the handicaps in students’ daily
environments and make their world a more accessible place.
In the speech department, the core function of language is
to make content of mind, that is: make personal ideas, intents,
and feelings, public and known to others [36]. Language develops
because children are motivated to interact with people and their
environment. SLPs use that motivation and intentionality to fuel
their speech sessions.
The speech department paradigm at the school has
incorporated in its design the recognition that behavior is
context sensitive. Feuerstein, Pena, and others have advocated
for the dynamic assessment and treatment of children. Dynamic
assessment and treatment refers to the technique of modifying
the linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of assessment contexts to
get a sense of the range of behaviors children are capable of, and
to understand which characteristics of tasks challenge children,
and which characteristics facilitate performance.
Sessions are intensive and coupled with the intentionality
model. The ntentionalitymodel builds on the child’s engagement
in a world of persons and objects, in an effort to reduce the
tension between engagement, and difficulty learning a language
that is required. Bloom, Tinker and Scholnick [37], summarize the
significance of the intentionality model by stating “children learn
language in acts of expression and interpretation; they work
at acquiring language; and all aspects of a child’s development
contribute to this process.” [37]. Most children receive 5 sessions
for 60 minutes per week. Sessions are tailored to meet the cultural
and linguistic needs of the child. SLPs strive to get the voice of each
child known to their families, friends, caregivers, and medical
providers and use every context to facilitate language. There is
a range of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
systems for each level of development: from the Tobii Eye Gaze to
a single message switch, to a basic picture exchange system. The
department believes in creating the context for situations that
are meaningful, which will lead to increased outcomes.
Measurements include initiating communicative turns and
increased vocabulary, spontaneous initiations, use of devices,
sentence development, mean length of utterance (with AAC
systems), and pragmatic language. Some of the projects include:
School Elections, Food Drive, Clothing Drive, and Ask Student
Health and Wellness Programmatic Supports and Management
The school nurse coordinates the child’s health care planning
and delivery at school and supports the child’s learning.
The delegation of health care to non-licensed personnel and
supervision are roles that the school nurse assumes according
to state nurse practice acts. Throughout the school year, the
school nurse continues to provide skilled nursing care and case
management for the health support of the child with special
health care needs.
As part of the child’s education and health planning team,
the school nurse at the private special education school secures
permission from parents and contacts medical providers,
develops the Individualized Health Care Plan (IHCP), and ensures
that information is current and shares it team members as
appropriate. The school nurse also gathers medical and nursing
information including immunizations. At admission, the program
nurse assesses student health care needs including cultural
aspects related to family beliefs. The program’s nurse shares
information from community health care providers as appropriate
and necessary to collaboratively plan for the child’s health care in
educational environments other than the school building, such
as transportation and field trips, including formal training needs
of school staff regarding a child’s health care plan. The program
nurse provides plans to obtainand maintainappropriate medical
supplies and equipment.
Additionally, the school nurse starts the day by making rounds
to check attendance and make sure that students who come are
provided with the care as indicated in their IHCP (including
seizure action plan, allergies/anaphylaxis medication plan,
asthma medication plan, non-asthma/non-allergy medication
plan, non-medication plan). Most importantly, the program nurse
delivers nursing care, medication, and treatment to the students.
Therefore, the records maintained by the school nurse were
instrumental to this study to indicate whether changes to health
and hospitalizations were noted after an intensive therapeutic
intervention (PT, OT, ST).
For the purposes of this study, the school nurse reported
retrospective information regarding the student hospitalizations,
medication, and changes thereto.
Six original students attended the first year of enrollment
(2013-2014). Two of four of the outcome measures were reported
for the 2013-2014 school year. The second-year students’
academic, speech, physical therapy, and visual education data
were reported. Of 27 students enrolled during the second year,
a total of 14 students’ data are included, after factoring exclusion
criteria,5 of which were hospitalized for more than 5 days for
orthopedic surgeries and were included in data analysis for PEDI
comparison only.
Exclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria included: 1) Hospitalization related to
musculoskeletal surgery; 2) No longer an enrolled student; 3)
Part-time student enrollment (i.e., late start or early end to the
school year).
Study design
A retrospective case series was reviewed and approved
by the ethics board of the school’s board of directors. The data
forthe six students enrolled at a private special education school
are reported, pre- and post-first year (2013-2014) of enrollment.
Surveys to collect data onschool attendance records and health records were distributed. Cortical Visual Impairment Ranges,
Preschool Language Scale-5 (PLS), Brigance Inventory of
Early Development III, PEDI raw and interval scores (self-care,
mobility, and social functioning domains) for students during
the 2013-2014, 2014-2015 school years were evaluated and
reported per department records. School health records (change
in medication or hospitalizations), related service mandates and
frequency, quarterly progress reports, and classroom ratio were
investigated for data collection.
School setting
The private special education school program established
a multidisciplinary therapeutic and academic setting for six
original students during the 2013-2014 school year. The second
year of enrollment comprised 27 students with brain-based
disorders of school age (5-21 years). The diagnosis of the student
population included acquired brain injury as a result of seizure
disorders, post-birth injury, cerebral palsy, and TBI. The daily
schedule incorporated a push-in and pull-out model according
to the children’s current IEP-related service mandates (including
occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language
therapy) in addition to daily direct instruction during academic
sessions, as well as adaptive physical education in the form of
Conductive Education. Intensity of related service mandates
were increased based on professional observation of the original
student population after initial evaluation. These evaluations
were completed during the initial session after school admission.
During the second year of operation, the program included vision
education services for children with Cortical Visual Impairment
(CVI) and other visual impairments. Each department conducted
assessments and outlined therapeutic interventions and
outcomes related to the child’s annual goals.
Outcome measures
This article reports the results of students (years 2013-2014
and 2014-2015) in 1)Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory
(PEDI): Self-Care, Mobility, and Social Functioning; 2) Cortical
Visual Impairment (CVI) Ranges; 3) Speech Assessments:
Brigance and Preschool Language Scale-5 (PLS) assessments; 4)
Student Demographics: IEP Mandates and Health Outcomes preand
post-admission to program; 5) quarterly progress reports.
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI): The
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory is a clinical
assessment tool that has been shown to be a reliable and valid
assessment of impairment of functional mobility in children [2].
The functional domains of the PEDI are divided in 3 subdivisions:
Self-Care, Mobility, and Social Functioning. The assessment
addresses caregiver assistance and modifications needed for
improved participation.
The PEDI is based on the World Health Organization model
of disability and validated for normative values for children
from age 1 to 7.5 years and has an activity scale that extends
beyond basic functional skills,which is intended to examine
recovery of basic skills needed for return to the community. A
participation scale that emphasizes life roles and assesses levels
of participation in the community and school environments is also included. However, due to the overwhelming report of
parents completing most of evaluating tasks because of time
constraints (i.e.,dressing in the morning to make the school bus
on time), caregiver participation scores were not included in data
analysis. The PEDI data collected for this study were distributed
by the physical therapist at the school. During 2013-2014, one
therapist collected and reviewed all data with parents. During the
second year of school enrollment (2014-2015), four therapists
collected the data from parents, teachers, and paraprofessional
staff who work closely with evaluated student.
Cortical Visual Impairment Range (CVI Range):The
school has employed a collaborativeapproach among parents,
therapists, educators, and members of the medical community,
such as ophthalmologists and optometrists. All school staff have
been exposed to the foundational concepts of CVI Range and the
scoring process. In order for students to utilize their functional
vision throughout the day in multiple settings, accommodations
and modifications are implemented throughout the various
therapies and in the classrooms. Each student at the school had
a highly individualized program to maximize the potential to
improve his/her visual processing abilities. With this foundation,
the individual student’s visual processing abilities have improved,
as is evident by individual improvements on the CVI Range.
The CVI Range is scored from 0-10 and is grouped into three
phases. CVI Ranges were compared for the students in the 2014-
2015 school year (because vision services were not available
during the initial year of the program:
Phase I of CVI=scores 0-3=developing visual behaviors
Phase II= scores 3-7= Integrating Vision with Function
Phase III= scores 7-10= Using Vision for Learning
0=No functional vision
10= Typical functional vision
Preschool Language Scale-5: The Preschool Language
Scale-5 (PLS) was used to obtain a clinical assessment of the
child’s level of Auditory Comprehension as well as Expressive
Communication domains. It is a reliable and valid tool when
used as a descriptive criterion reference to assess a child’s
language development. Additionally, it allows for repetitions
and accommodations for students with physical and cognitive
impairments. The test was modified to accommodate our special
population. Because of the modifications of standard procedures,
norm referenced scores were not used. The modifications of
the test allowed qualitative information about the student’s
language comprehension and expressive language abilities.
The raw data scores were compared at the beginning and end
of the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school years. Measures from
children with disabilitiesare not used to obtain normative data
as this would lower the mean standardized score of the test
and negatively impacts the test’s ability to separate and identify
typically developing children and those with disorders [38]. As a
result, standardized scores for our student population cannot be
reported and raw scores are used for pre- and post-comparatives
and descriptive purposes only.
Brigance Inventory of Early Development III: For the
children who were older than 7.5 years, the Brigance criterionreferenced
Inventory of Early Development III (IED III) was
used to assess and track the speech and language developmental
skills of the students. Each sub-linguistic skill (e.g., Prespeech
expressive communication, Prespeech receptive language,
following directions) is regarded as distinct, and there is not a
cumulative score associated with a skill area or sub-area [39].
Furthermore, there is currently no available test that can be used
to accurately measure the language competence of a child with
TBI, resulting in a standardized score [40].
Data Analysis
Statistical tests were conducted using R Software Version
3.2.1. [ at the Department of Statistics of the
University of Auckland in Auckland, New Zealand] and G Power
3.1 software [University of Dusseldorf] [41-43], with significance
level set at P<.05. Paired t tests were applied to examine baseline
and post-annual school intervention differences within the PEDI
(school years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015) and CVI ranges (year
2014-2015). Independent t tests were used to examine the gaps
between group differences in change of scores.
IEP-Related Service and Class Ratio Mandates
The students reviewed received 10-15 hours per week
of Related-Service (OT, PT, ST, VS) Intervention during the
school years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 as indicated on their
Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Prior to admission to
the post-acute brain injury special education school, students
received an average of 5-10 hours of intervention in a larger class
setting without Direct Instruction. Each student included in the
study received approximately 3-5 hours of Direct Instruction per week.
Cortical Visual Impairment Range (CVI Range)
Paired sample t-testing was conducted to compare students’
scores on The CVI Range during the summer of 2014 and
the summer of 2015 to determine if there was significant
improvement in vision during this time period. The CVI Range
yields a range of scores so 3 t-tests were conducted. The first
t-test only used the minimum scores from the range in each time
period. This test found that t(7)= 7.666, p=.0001 with a mean
difference of 1.18. The second t-test compared the means of
the score ranges. This test found that t(7)=9.01, p<.0001 with a
mean difference of 1.22. The third t-test compared the highest
value on the first assessment with the lowest value on the second
assessment. This test found a t(7)=2.12, p=.0715 with a mean
difference of 0.375.
Our findings show that when comparing lower scores or
mean scores, the average gain was about a full point on the CVI
Range, and this gain is statistically significant at the α=.999 level.
Even comparing the highest value on the first assessment with
the lowest value on the second assessment, which minimizes the
detection of any possible gains, the result is still a gain of over a third of a point, being statistically significant at the α=.9 level. See
Appendix II for detailed list of CVI Ranges per student.
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Index (PEDI)
For increased accuracy and sample review, the five students
that were hospitalized during the years in question were included
for PEDI scoring. See Appendix I for raw and scaled scores. Paired
sample t-testing was conducted to compare Self-Care, Mobility,
and Social Functioning as measured by the Pediatric Evaluation
of Disability Index (PEDI) during 2013, 2014, and 2015 to
determine if there was significant improvement in those areas
during that time period. First, 2013 and 2014 were compared on
Self-Care. This test found that t(5) = 2.208, p=0.078, with a 90%
Confidence Interval of 0.003 to 0.079 and a mean difference of
0.04. This result implies that with 90% confidence there is a nonzero
difference in Self-Care between 2013 and 2014 and that this
gain is between 0 and 0.08. The test for Mobility found that t(5) =
2.33, p=0.067, with a 90% Confidence Interval of 0.008 to 0.111
with a mean difference of 0.06. Again, with 90% confidence, there
was a non-zero difference in Mobility between 2013 and 2014
and this difference is between 0 and 0.111. For Social Function
the test found t(5)= 2.66, p=0.0451, with a 90% Confidence
Interval of 0.03 to 0.24 with a mean difference of 0.138. With 90%
confidence, there is a non-zero difference in Social Functioning
and this difference is between 0.03 and 0.24.
Paired sample t-testing was also conducted during the period
between 2014 and 2015. For Self-Care, t(12)=-0.56, p=0.58;
for Mobility, t(12)=1.346, p=0.203; and for Social Functioning
t(12)=1.748, p=0.106. To confirm this result, Hoteling T2 was
conducted to determine if multivariate gains were present that
would not appear in the univariate t-tests; T2 (3,22) = 0.44,
p=0.72. This result is consistent with the results of the paired
sample t-tests. Therefore, based on these analyses, while there
were substantial gains between 2013 and 2014 across all three
domains, there were no statistically significant gains in any
domains between 2014 and 2015.
Preschool Language Scale-5 (PLS), Brigance Inventory of Early Development III
The collected data during the school year 2013 to 2014 shows
that all six students showed an average improvement in their
overall auditory comprehension and expressive communication
scores. Most of which doubled their communication abilities
as compared with the time of the admission assessment. (See
Appendix III for detailed scores for each student.) Due to the fact
there is not an acceptable commercially available assessment
that quantifies speech and language impairment in children
with severe cognitive delay and brain injury, assessments are
used to allow for self-comparison, and thus do not provide a
standardized score option when below the first percentile rank.
Research demonstrates that standardized language tests do not
consistently diagnose children correctly when comparing raw
scores alone [40], therefore, criterion reference assessments
were used as a guidance when measuring progress. Without
standardized scores, the statistical data analysis was not
possible. Nevertheless, the similar speech improvements gains seen in 2013-2014 were observed during the school year 2014-
2015. Three students (students 10005, 10021, 10004) under 7
years 11 months of age showed an increase in their skills of or
more than 100% in the area of auditory comprehension, whereas
in the areas of expressive communication the growth was over
155% during the first year and second year in most cases. Three
students (10011, 10019, 10007) ranging in the ages of 7 years
11 months to 18 years showed an increment of their overall
language development of more than 80% during their first year
when speech intervention was tailored and sessions were strictly
student led. One student (10010) showed a more discrete growth
of auditory comprehension of 33% during the first year since
the admission date,whichmay be related to age at admission(16
years) when compared with peers.
Academic Outcomes
Quarterly progress reports allow for analysis of student
progression towards achieving academic IEP goals as reported by
each child’s teacher. Data collected for quarterly progress reports
during the 2014-2015 school year show that all students made
considerable progress towards academic IEP goals throughout
the school year. Overall, students made progress towards 95.8%
of literacy IEP goals and 100% of math IEP goals (Appendix A).
Health Outcomes: Attendance, Related Service Mandates, Hospitalization, Medication Changes
Retrospective Wellness Surveys were sent to every student
at the school for collection of parent satisfaction information and
to compare the hospitalization and attendance rates. Because of
the inconsistent reporting and data received from the families,
comparisons to pre-school admission were not made. IEP-Related
service and class ratio mandates pre- and post-admission to the
private special education brain injury school are included in
Appendix B. Information about the student health and attendance
during the 2014-2015 school year is included in Appendix C.
It is postulated that the CVI range and social functioning
scores were statistically significant because of the intensive
multidisciplinary intervention in the “school setting.” We
will discuss in turn each of the domains of function that the
children made progress in as it relates to the existing literature.
Additionally, we suggest a hypothesized reason for why a
multiple disciplinary approach supports the neuroplastic changes
necessary for the children’s progress.
There are significant gaps in the existing literature regarding
best practices for multiple disciplinary treatment for children
with chronic acquired brain injury within a school-based setting
[44]. Much of the current literature is discipline specific and does
not evaluate a team-based approach to care of students with brain
injuries. Existing research evaluates students with recent brain
injuries returning to school with less severe motor difficulties
than participants in the current study, and much of the research
evaluates level of participation or community engagement as
outcome measures [44-47]. Studies have shown that students
often require additional supports to participate in the classroom environment fully and many have long-term executive cognitive
functioning deficits [48].
Unfortunately, the existing research on pediatric ABI has
limited evidence-based treatment protocols to facilitate the
most effective attainment of goals, promote quality of life, and
promote improvement in functional ability. There are limited
best practice guidelines and position statements produced in
occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language
therapy disciplines for students with acquired brain injury.
Notable exceptions are constraint induced movement therapy
for children with hemiparesis and vision education that use
established protocols for children with cortical vision impairment [49,50].
When it comes to CVI assessment, early detection
isparamount to make sure that the children are able to achieve
their full potential. Therefore, to help all children that may have
CVI, it is extremely important to develop assessments that make
it possible to identify these children regardless of cognitive
or other limitations, such as being non-verbal communicators
[51]. Christine Roman- Lantzy [23], developed a reliable
formal assessment that is a valid instrument for assessing the
widerange of students who have Cortical Visual Impairment. The
validity and reliability of the CVI Range is based on its internal
consistency and on test/retest reliability. Roman argues that the
changes in functional vision within a given time frame are due
to the environment rather than to the fluctuating visual abilities
of the child [7]. Given a modified environment and appropriate
accommodations, students with CVI are able to improve their
functional vision. Based on neuroplasticity research, students
have the ability to use different parts of their brain to process
visual information, even in cases where certain areas of the brain
that are usually designated for specific visual processes have
been damaged [52].
Key findings from the study include functional reported
progress observed in every domain. The carryover of significant
social functioning and visual integration in academics
demonstrates the relevance of intense multidisciplinary
intervention being provided in a “school setting.” The academic
setting is one of the hallmarks for childhood development and
further research is warranted to investigate how and why
students achieved such overwhelming progress in 1years’ time.
The results support a task-specific and repetitious paradigm in
an educational setting, in addition to intensive treatment, which
is supported by evidence in the literature.
It is difficult to evaluate multimodal treatment approaches
because the number of treatment styles, techniques, and
different therapists produces a large number of variables [53].
Consequently, progress cannot be attributed solely to a specific
discipline, and it makes it difficult for techniques to be replicated
in a targeted, focused therapy program.
Protocols and best practices for adults with acquired and
traumatic brain injury are well established [45,54-56]. Attempts
can be made to apply these techniques to a pediatric acquired
brain injury population; however, in children, the brain is continually undergoing neuroplastic changes associated with the
process of typical development. Adults with brain injury have
the benefit of previously established motor plans and underlying
cognitive reserve that allows them to regain or re-develop skills
at a faster rate after injury. Children who have brain injuries very
early in life do not have concrete or well-established cortical
maps. This difference is an example of habilitation in contrast
to rehabilitation, meaning building new skills and functional
abilities versus regaining previously established abilities [25].
On the basisofthe understanding of the limited available
research, the multiple disciplinary program described in
this study was (built, founded, established) on general and
theoretical principles of neuroplasticity to promote recovery
and development of neural pathways. Existing neuroplasticity
research supports the following key tenants to support changes
in cortical mapping: use of active exploration in an enriched
environment, increased repetitions of motor tasks (massed
practice), intrinsic motivation and engagement for completion of
tasks, and task specificity [28]. The school program was designed
to promote these principles, with intensive services allowing
for carryover of learned skills in each discipline [57]. The
school environment encourages/facilitates active participation
of children with Direct Instruction, tailored goals, biking and
standing programs, and individualized sensory diets [55,58,59].
The study limitations include a sample of convenience,(as
students were all enrolled in the school program), a small sample
size, a retrospective versus prospective study design, a diverse,
heterogeneous population, and the absence of a prior power
analysis. Additionally, many outcome measures were based
on parent interview and reporting and had poor inter rater
reliability due to varied therapist application. These limitations
reduce the generalizability of our study’s findings.
Implications for Future Studies
Multidisciplinary rehabilitation has shown to improve
functional outcomes in adults with acquired brain injury [2]. In
addition, late-onset rehabilitation has shown improved gains in
functional mobility for both adults and children [3,4]. Further
investigation of children with severe disabilities is warranted
because no study to date has examined the effects of increased
multidisciplinary therapeutic intensity in a school setting
for children with brain injury. Because of the heterogenous
diagnostic population of children who suffer from brain-based
disorders, it is difficult to perform a randomized control trial with
students of various prognostic and physical markers with similar
etiologic brain injury. With the evidence-baseddocumentation [5-
9], of high-intensity intervention and interdisciplinary services
for children with brain injury, it is recommended that future
researchers report on the individual effects of said academic
and related services. This would include case series, singlesubject
designs, and long-term cohort studies reviewing the
effects of intensive intervention in a school setting. A cohesive
and collaborative cognitive, communication, and functional
measure does not exist for children with severe disabilities (i.e., the non-verbal and non-ambulatory population). This population
relies heavily on clinical observation and modified validated
assessments to quantify progress. However, more research and
thus standardized outcomes are needed that reveal cognitive,
social, and functional status in the profoundly disabled child with
chronic brain injury.
Sincerest gratitude and acknowledgement are made to the
students and families at the school. Your support is invaluable
to the progress of our students, ground-breaking work, and data
collection for the furtherance of information related to children
with brain-based disorders. Thank you to the administration,
teachers, related service providers, and outside consultants for
volunteering time and resources to complete the project. Thank
you to the Board of Directors for needed resources to collect the
data and provide daily intervention to the wonderful students.