Urgent Call for Action: Avoiding Spread of Mosquito-Borne Diseases as a Major Public Health Problem
Maria del Carmen Marquetti Fernández1* and Andrés Bisset Marquetti2
1MedicalEntomologist, Institute of Tropical Medicine Pedro Kouri, Havana, Cuba
2Internal Medicine, Enrique Cabrera Hospital, Havana, Cuba
*Corresponding author: MedicalEntomologist, Institute of Tropical
Medicine Pedro Kouri, Havana, Cuba, Email:
Submitted: 02 June 2019; Accepted: 03 June 2019; Published: 04 June 2019
Cite this article: del Carmen Marquetti Fernández M, Marquetti AB (2019) Urgent
Call for Action: Avoiding Spread of Mosquito-Borne Diseases as a Major
Public Health Problem. JSM Vet Med Res 2: 2.
Mosquitoes are the most important vectors of pathogenic
organisms. Diseases like malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever,
zika and West Nile encephalitis have emerged or re-emerged in
several countries of the world during the past decades [1-4].
These diseases have been ranked by World Health
Organization (WHO) as the most important tropical diseases
in the worldbecause each year, insects and other vectors
transmit infectious pathogens to more than one billion people,
causing more than 700,000 deaths worldwide [5]. The impact
of these diseases on human and animal is enormous. They affect
productivity and cause a vicious spiral of poverty and disability
and in another hand affect food production and contribute
to economic lost in different ways [6]. The distribution and
seasonality of many of these diseases may be influenced by
climate change. Mosquitoes are sensitive to temperature,
humidity, rainfall patterns, for example when the temperature
increaseswould tend to accelerate mosquito life cycles and would
also decrease the incubation period of the parasite or virus. The
weather patterns and other aspects of climate change can to
contribute that the mosquito’s diseases will be increase [7]. These
observed climatic changes have led to further water storage with
accompanying poor water protection and scanty community
participation creating more breeding sites for mosquitos like
Aedesaegypti principal responsible of arbovirus transmission like
dengue, zika, chikungunya and others [8]. For malaria vectors the
rainfall patterns bring several temporal natural breeding sites
and contribute to malaria transmission [4]. Impacts on health would
entail the emergence of a disease in new areas as well as the
extension of the transmission season in areas where it is present
[4,9], besides willbe to changes the geographical range of these
vector/borne diseases for example the chikungunya outbreaks in
Europe [10].
Despite centuries of control efforts, the past three decades
have witnessed a dramatic spread of many mosquito-borne diseases worldwide. The acceleration of urbanization, global
warming, the intensification of intercontinental trade and
travel, the co-evolution and adaptation between pathogens and
mosquito vectors, the development of insecticide resistance,
the lack of qualified personnel in entomology for a quick and
timely response to vector control and the lack of effective control
measures have greatly contributed to the mosquito borne diseases
increase worldwide [5]. This situation has challenged the health
personnel involved in controlling the vectors of these diseases,
but it’s necessary to achieve participation levels in factors such
as political will, the entomological surveillance, standardization
of the vector control activities, the formation of the team groups
between different ministries and different sectors for to develop
the mosquitoes control in the majority of the countries involved
in this public health problem in the world.
This global health problem brings us together to all those
who every day work on the improvement of health standards
in the population in this field to provide new knowledge about
biology, ecology, vector-man contact or animal-vector, to achieve
the design of policies of integrated control of vectors specifically
of mosquitoes to help stop the increase of these communicable