SM Surgery Journal is an open access peer reviewed journal publishing articles providing information on finest surgical patient care, world-class research and offer state-of-the art education. Our experienced team of experts provides editorial excellence, rapid publication, and high visibility for your paper.
The technical team closely supervises the mentioned criteria for publication: Originality, Novelty & Significance, Journal Scope, Methodology and readability of the submitted manuscript. All the submitted manuscript will undergo series of peer review evaluations and only accepted manuscripts by the experts will be considered for publication under the Journal Issues. The SM Surgery Journal adheresto the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY) that enable the free distribution of an author’s work upon properly citing the original source.
SM Surgery Journal welcomes authors to contribute significant manuscripts (Research, Reviews, Short Communication, Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Image, Mini Reviews, Opinions, Letter to the Editor, Short Notes, etc.) those fall under the journal scope. Please find our Author guidelines for more information. If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact