Each Reviewer is responsible for critically reading and evaluating the scientific content those falls under the interest of their research. Reviewers are requested to adhere to the COPE Guidelines and must provide honest feed back without any bias. In order to avoid any conflicts, JSMCentral follows a double blind peer review process and thus the details of authors are kept anonymous. Reviewers must fairly address the strengths and weakness of the manuscript and suggest ways to improve the quality of the manuscript.
Each reviewer must follow certain aspects before they accept any submissions:
Points to be considered while review:
JSMCentral mainly considers 6 major points while reviewing:
a. Does the title describe the article?
b. Is Abstract briefly explained the summary of the manuscript submitted?
c. Introduction: Is the background of the manuscript explained in detail? Does the manuscript explained what other research have been conducted on this particular area. Are the references been properly cited?
d. Materials and Methods: Kindly see that the data is clearly mentioned without any overwriting of results. Does the experimental method are clear and they reciprocate the research performed. Also analyze if the authors are precise in their described measurement.
e. Results and Discussions: Authors must explain in detail what they have performed. If the writing is not accurate and need further explanations, add in detail what you are expecting from the author. If possible, kindly suggest ways of improving the writing.
f. Figures and Tables: Are they appropriately labeled? And are they easy to interpret?
5. References Cited: References Cited must not be too old and they must replicate the original article being cited.
Rules to be followed as a reviewer:
Post Review:
Once the review comments are submitted they shall be notified to author for changes. Revisions once submitted by the author, they shall be sent to the reviewers and Editors for the final recommendation upon acceptance.