The Risk of Conflating Child Neglect with Viral- Induced Haploinsufficiency
Molly E Sawyer1, Azhar Rahama1, Zoë E Gaetjens1, Chelsea R Total1, Andrew D Burton1, Matthew D Gacura1, Richard G Ligo2, Theodore Yeshion3 and Gary Vanderlaan1*
Characterization of Endophyte Microbiome Diversity in Chia Plant (Salvia hispanica L.)
A total of 9347 fungal and bacterial endophytes were isolated from the roots, stem and leaves of chia plant. Roots harbored more number of fungal endophytes than either stem or leaves whereas st... View HTML Download PDF
Jasira Jzar, Mary Simiyu, Joseph Mafurah*, Joshua Ogendo and Anne Osano
Approaches to Method Development, Suitability and Validation for Alternative Sterility Test Methods for Complex Parenterals
Advancements in pharmaceutical development have led to increased diversity in drug and biological products. From simple aqueous formulations to advanced drug delivery systems, including sustaine... View HTML Download PDF
Miriam Guest*
A Method for Preparation of Desulfurizing Biomass from Crude Oil
Emissions from human activities contribute to air pollution, global warming, and environmental degradation. These effects can harm human health and ecosystems, underscoring the importance of sus... Download PDF
Wisam Mohammed Kareem Al-Khazaali, Seyed Ahmad Ataei*
Metabiotics as Potential Therapeutic Agent in Mucosal Immunity
Synbiotics area mixture of pre and probiotics and considered an economical and safe substitute for treating infectious and noninfectious diseases and improving human health. Synbiotics stimulat... View HTML Download PDF
Md Zeyaullah 1*, Irfan Ahmad2 , Faruque Ahmad3 , S Rehan Ahmad4 , Razi Ahmad5 , Abdullah M AlShahrani1 , Mohammad Suhail Khan6 , Mohammad Shane Alam7*, Adam Dawria6 , Atiq Hassan1 , Khursheed Muzammil6 , Haroon Ali6 and Zaki H Hakami7